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First appearance: Beast Wars pt1
Profile: Megatron is the leader of the predacons. He is a cunning leader who prefers to work ways out in his head to defeat the enemy. However if the need arises he will engage in battle wit pleasure. Megatron was the mastermind who assembled his team of predacons to steal the golden disk and go to Earth, A place that had been off limits for several stellar cycles. Megatron decoded the disk early on into the beast wars but didn't follow the orders given by the initial megatron until it seemed the only way to defeat them. Megatrons beast mode is a T-rex but he was altered when the quantum surge hit Earth resulting in him gaining a new flight mode in his transmetal body. Later on he merged with the original megatrons spark to become a trasnmetal 2.
Quote: ", yesssss"

First appearance: Beast Wars pt1
Profile: Waspinator was one of the original group of predacons who stole the golden disk from the maximals. He believes that he is the best predacon because of his flight capablility and is fairly easy going despite getting blown up on a regular basis. Waspinator was one of the only two original robots that landed who weren't altered in any way and was the first predacon that the maximals encountered. His beast mode is that of a wasp.
Quote: "waspinator having good day, not get shot once"

First appearance: Beast Wars pt1
Profile: Tarrantulas was one of the original predaone that stole the golden disk from the maximals. He is one of the most secret of the predacons and he is often seen chuckling to himself as he is making up his plans. Tarrantulas was also responsible for black arachnias beast mode and his actions were responsible for the way inferno was. When ravage arrived to capture megatron it was dicovered that he was in fact a member of the predacon secret police but despite his treachery he was welcomed back by megatron. Tarrantulas was destroyed when he tried to remove the vok prescence from Tigatron. His beast mode was a tarrantula spider but he was transmetalised by the quantum wave and gained a motorcycly mode.
Quote: N/A

First appearance: Bad Spark
Profile: Rampage was an experiment by Maximal scientists to recreate the indestructable properties of Starscreams spark, he was originally called "Protoform X". Unfortunatly he was agressive and wiped out a colony he was held prisoner on. The only survivor was the guard of the prison called Depth Charge. The original mission of Optimus Primals ship was to dump protoform x somewhere in space where he would never be found but due to the beast wars he was released with all the stasis pods into Earths Orbit. He crashed on the surface and regained a new body, a crab. He was also a transmetal which meant he had a vehicular mode that was a tank. After he was initially defeated by the Maximals Megatron cut his Spark in half, leaving half in the body and kept the other half himself which he used to control him. It was also here he was renamed to Rampage. Later on in the beast wars Megatron attempted to create Transmetal 2 technology but found a spark was required to make it stable. He used the half of Rampages spark that he had and merged it with half of Dinobots spark. The result was Dinobot 2 who was a Transmetal 2.
Quote: "ignore the pain, its only gonna get worse"

First appearance: Spiders Game
Profile: Inferno was originally a maximal protoform but due to the interfearence of tarrantulas he became a predacon. His logic cirguits were also damaged and his beast side took control of him, he actually thinks that he is an ant and as such will defend "the colony" and its "queen" to the death. Inferno is blindly loyal to megatron, he sees him as his queen and will follow any order off him no matter what it is. Infernos beast mode was a giand fire ant. He was killed by megatron when megatron was trying to wipe out some pre human life forms.
Quote: "for the royalty!!!!"

First appearance: Beast Wars pt1
Profile: Scorponok was one of the original predacons to steal the golden disk and is extreemly loyal to megatron. He is happy being 3nd in command and has no wishes to take leadership from megatron. He is also very easily excited and this can lead to him making mistakes when talking. He is a competent fighter and his rockets have caused the maximals no end of trouble. He was destroyed when the quantum wave hit when he was knocked into a lave pit although some people speculate that because he was being transmetalised at the time he might have survived. His beast mode was a scorpion.
Quote: N/A

First appearance: Coming of the Fuzors
Profile: Quickstrike was originally a maximal protoform but his stasis pod was damaged and the result was his mixed up form and severe agression. Quickstrike will attack anything and will keep attacking until he is well and truely beaten. He feels he has to prove himself all the time to show that he is the best. Quickstrike was killed alongside inferno by Megatron whilst he was trying to wipe out some pre human lifeforms. His beast mode was a combination of a snake and a scorpion.
Quote: N/A

First appearance: Beast Wars pt1
Profile: Terrorsaur was one of the original predacons who stole the the golden disk. He desires power and on several occasions has gained it only to loose it by his incompetance. The first time was because of some energon source that increased his power and gave him the stregnth to beat meagatron and the second occasion was when he used rattrap to stop megaton. Megatron let him lead the predacons into battle and show the predacons how bad a leader he is so they would never follow him again. He was destroyed when the quantum wave hit when he was knocked into a lave pit although some people speculate that because he was being transmetalised at the time he might have survived. His beast mode was a Pterodactyl.
Quote: N/A