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Optimus Primal
First appearance: Beast Wars pt1
Profile: Optimus Primal is a direct descendant from the optimus prime in the original transformer series. Despite his ancestory he was not a leader at the start of the beast wars. he was mearly the captain of the exploration ship the axalon. Primals original beast mode was a gorilla but after the transmetal process he gained a third transformation specifically for flight. Primal also gained a second transformation when he merged his spark with that of optimus prime, his new forms were a fast jet, heavily armoured tank and updated forms of his original modes. He also increased in size to roughly double the size of all other maximals and predacons.
Quote: "That's just prime"

First appearance: Beast Wars pt1
Profile: Cheetor is the youngest member of the axalon crew and looks up to optimus primal. This can often lead him into situations that he is unable to cope with as he often tries to hard to impress optimus. Despite him getting into trouble a lot he is a valuble member of the team and his speed in beast mode is unmatched by any other tranformer. His alt mode is a cheetor but after the transmetal process he gained wings and rockets and was thus able to fly. Cheetor also underwent another transformation when he became a transmetal 2.
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Black Arachnia
First appearance: Double Jeapordy
Profile: Black Archnia was launched into space by the maximal spaceship the axalon when it crashed to Earth and held in a stasis pod until it finally crashed to Earth to. When her pod crashed it was recovered by tarrantulas who altered her programming, turning her into a predacon. She foght alongside the predacons for a while but she was always looking for a way to overthrow megatron and take control. After the arrival of silverbolt she fell for his sense of honor and after finding out that megatron was trying to wipe out all maximals(for which her protoform was one) she changed side and fought with the maximals helping to defeat megatron. Her beast mode is a black widow spider alhough due to her own experimenting she became a transmetal 2.
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First appearance: Beast Wars pt1
Profile: Rattrap was one of the original four maximals who crashed with the axalon. Rattrap initially was reluctant to join the beast wars but eventually he was persuaded and became one of the maximals greatest assets. He is a great thief and spy and this is complemented by his beast mode. Rattrap was considered to be second in command and has been in charge on several occasions. His beast mode was a rat although he was upgraded during the transmetal process to include a set of wheels which alowed him to travel a lot quicker.
Quote: Were all gonna die!"

First appearance: Beast Wars pt1
Profile: Rhinox was also one of the original group of maximals. He is a cunning leader and primal has even admitted as much but he doesn't want to shoulder the resposibility. Despite this rhinox is not affraid to take charge when arguments occure, he knows he has great strength and isn't afraid to use it when it is required. Rhinox was also responsible for the design of the axalons defence system sentinel. His beast mode is a rhinocerous, rhinox was one of only two characters who didn't change throughout the beast wars series.
Quote: N/A

First appearance: Beast Wars pt1
Profile: Dinobot was initially a predacon but when he suspected that the planet that they were on wasn't Earth he attempted to take control of the predacons. Megatron tricked him and he was blasted off into the distance by scorponok. Dinobot then challenged optimus primal for command of the maximals and after primal saved his life he agreed to join the maximals. At first he wasn't trusted but soon he became a valuble asset to the team. Dinobot longed for a heroic death and he got that when he saved a valley full of early humans from being destroyed. He singlehandedly destroyed the entire predacon army but was killed in the process. Dinobot was revived into a transmetal 2 by megatron although half his spark was that of rampages so he was never able to regain complete control and continued to obey megatron. When rampage was destroyed his spark gained complete control of the body and once more he died a heroic death, saving the autobots from destruction and thus all the maximal decendants from them. His beast mode was a velociraptor although he was upgraded during the transmetal 2 experiment.
Quote: N/A

First appearance: Coming of The Fuzors pt1
Profile: Silverbolt was a maximal protoform that crashed on the Earth. The pod was badly damaged and this resulted in the combining of two animals to form his beast mode. the predacons initially persuaded him to join the predacons but when he saw that the maximals were sparing and forgiving whereas the predacons were violent and without mercy he realised he had been tricked and changed sides. Silverbolt has a very high sense of honor and this is what attracted black arachnia to him. They both share feelings for each other and silverbolt was one of the main factors in her defecting to the maximals. Silverbolts beast mode is half wolf, half eagle.
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First appearance: Fallen Comrades
Profile: Tigatron was the first maximal protoform to crash and both sides raced accross the artic to get to him. The predacons one the race as they had the flyers but primal was able to send a signal off the moon to activae the pod before the predacons could get to it, thus when it was opened by them it was empty. Tigatron retained none of his maximal memories and stayed hidden until he saw the way the maximals risked their lives to save his and his tiger friend. Tigatron stayed out in the open and only making contact with the axalon for his weekly reports as well as if help was required. Tigatron was abducted by the alien vok along with airrazor and it is not known whether he was destroyed or is just held captive. His beast mode was a siberian tiger.
Quote: "let the trails lead where they may, I will follow"

First appearance: The Spark
Profile: Airrazor was another maximal protoform that crashed to Earth. Her stasis pod was damaged in the impact and as such was unable to form any protection against the energon fields. It took the combined effort of rhinox and cheetor to save her and as such she has a special relationship wit each of them. Despite retaining her memories of cybertron she still sees Earth as her birth place and loves all the things of nature. Airrazor mysteriously disappered with Tigatron when she was transported to the vok and it is unknown if they are dead or just held prisoner at the moment. Her beast mode was a peregrine falcon.
Quote: N/A

First appearance: Other Voices
Profile: Tigahawk was the combined form of Airrazor and Tigatron. When the vok sensed the time desturbance caused by megatron they merged the two bodies and added the vok prescence to it. They then sent it to Earth to find and destroy megatron. After destroying the predacon base he quickly dispatched the predacons and was about to destroy megatron. Tarantulas interveened and after removing the vok sparks from the body the newly merged spark of Tigatron and Airrazor took over the new body. Tigatron was sadly killed whilst holding off the decepticon battleship nemesis.
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Depth Charge
First appearance: Deep Metal
Profile: Depth Charge was a security officer at a colony before it was detsroyed by rampage (then protoform x). After the maximal high council denied his request to destroy protoform x he decided to go search for him and to destroy him himself. His mission led him to Earth where he was caught in a temporal disturbance that resulted in him crashing on prehistoric Earth. Depth Charge continued his battles with Rampage throughout the remainder of the beast wars and eventually sacrificed his life to destroy him. His beast mode was a manta ray although because of the temporal disturbance his form was also transmetalised to allow flight
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